AML Wafer Bonding System

Manufacturer and model:

Aligner Wafer Bonder System AML AWB04 

General Information:

Bonding of wafers using thermocompression and anodic bonding methods

Key Features:

Unique in-situ alignment capabilities

Wafers from 3" to 6" and also small pieces

1 to 5µm alignment accuracy

Application of High Voltage up to 2.5kV

Platen Temperatures up to 560°C

Compression Forces up to 40,000N

Operation under vacuum down to 2x10-6 mBar

Bonding under reactive gases like N2/H2 mixture


Bonding of wafers of same material

Bonding of wafers made of different materials

Bonding of samples using micrometer alignment


Si, SiO2, Si covered with metals, others

Start of Operation Date: December 2020

Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)

Nano Center
